How to Submit Notes
and View Submissions
1. To upload your notes, otherwise known as homework, make sure you are logged in on
2. Then click on the menu to find “Submit Homework” or click on the “Submit Homework” button beneath every Live School video.
3. Once you are on the Submit Homework page, make sure that you select the course for the notes that you are submitting.
4. Upload your files by dragging them in or selecting them. There cannot be more than 21 files, and they cannot exceed 15MB per upload.
A list of accepted file types can be found beneath the upload homework box.
5. Click on “I’m not a robot” and then press “submit”
You will receive an email confirmation.
On the next page, to see your submission, click on “View Submissions”
You will see your previous homework submissions since you began on
(Returning users from previous website will not see their past submissions from the previous domain, but their submissions are still valid on the WMC database. No progress has been lost)
For further questions, email us at
God bless you!